Our expertise lies in core description and analysis, outcrop characterization, petrography, mineralogy, geochemistry, and integrated basin and reservoir studies.  AIM GeoAnalytics specialists work closely with our clients to provide quality solutions in the most timely and cost-effective manner.

Choose your level of service!

It is important to us to deliver the most useful services at the highest quality. Become an AIM GeoAnalytics customer, depending on your business needs.

AIM GeoAnalytics - Missoula, Montana    Need continuous support? Become an AIM premier customer

AIM GeoAnalytics - Missoula, Montana    Have a problem that needs a quick answer? Work with us on an as-need basis

AIM GeoAnalytics - Missoula, Montana    Need to train your employees? Arrange for a customized workshop or field trip


Available Laboratory Services
  • Core description and sampling
  • XRD
  • SEM (EDS-CL)
  • XRF
  • CLSM (Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy)


Saymour Lake - Montana